Summer break is coming to an end, and it’s time to return to school. This can be a very exciting an time or very stressful depending on your readiness. I know for me it’s exciting to see the kids return but, it takes a lot of out me to get them ready for the big day! For this reason i have put together a back to school tip blog. enjoy!
1. Prepare and plan ahead of time
Making a list of everything that needs to be purchased in advance, including clothing, lunchboxes, backpacks, and supplies, is one of the most important back-to-school advice for parents. Make sure you avoid last-minute buying.
2. Prepare a to-do list and a weekly meal schedule.
The simplest way to guarantee a stress-free morning routine is to create a to-do list for the entire week that includes meal preparation, getting your kids ready for school, and keeping an eye on their weekly schedule. This will spare you and your children any last-minute craziness.
3. Arranged your kids sleep and waking schedule in advance.
Parents should establish a sleep routine two weeks before the start of the school year. Getting kids ready for bed will help them maintain a regular sleeping schedule and take one worry off your shoulders. Make sure your child sleeps for at least 8 to 10 hours every night.
4. Meet the new teachers
At least a week before the start of the new school year, you must visit your child’s place of education. Let your child get accustomed to the new classes and teachers. Make an effort to arrange a one-on-one meeting with the teachers.
5. Make your home a pleasant place to be.
Once classes begin, it is critical to establish a welcoming and encouraging environment for accomplishing homework. Create a dedicated space in your home for your children to study that is free from distractions and promotes a positive learning environment.
6. Make a list of fun things for kids to do after school.
In addition to their homework, let your kids engage in creative after-school activities to keep them entertained. Examples include playing board games, making art, and other activities.
What are things you do for get ready for Portland Oregon back to school? Please Comment Below
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