When you purchase a new home surrounded by trees in Portland, Oregon, it’s essential to understand what you can and cannot do regarding those trees. The city values its tree canopy highly, offering both environmental and aesthetic benefits. However, with ownership comes responsibility, especially when it comes to tree maintenance and removal. Here’s a guide based on the dos and don’ts of managing trees in your new property:
What You Can Do
- Assess Tree Health and Safety: Have a certified arborist evaluate the trees for health, stability, and any potential risk they may pose to your property. This is especially important for trees close to your home or utility lines.
- Apply for Necessary Permits: Before removing or extensively pruning trees, check if you need a permit. This is typically required for trees over a certain size or for those considered heritage trees.
- Hire Professionals for Tree Work: For both the evaluation and any necessary tree work, including removal, it’s best to hire professional arborists. They understand local regulations and how to safely conduct tree work without damaging your property.
- Plan for Replanting: If you do remove a tree, plan to replant another in its place if required by local ordinances. This helps maintain the urban canopy and may be a condition of the removal permit.
What You Can’t Do
- Remove Trees Without Checking Local Regulations: Never assume you can remove a tree without a permit. Portland has specific rules about tree removal, especially for street trees or those in environmental overlay zones.
- Neglect Tree Care: Failing to care for the trees on your property can lead to health problems for the trees and potential safety hazards for your property. Regular watering, pruning, and health assessments are essential.
- Disregard the Impact on Neighbors and Local Wildlife: Before deciding to remove a tree, consider its impact on your neighborhood’s ecosystem and aesthetics. Trees provide shade, improve air quality, and offer habitat to local wildlife. Their removal can affect your community and local biodiversity.
- Forget About Street Trees: Remember that street trees (those in the public right-of-way) have different rules. You’re typically responsible for their care but can’t remove or significantly prune them without permission from the city.
Additional Considerations
- Understand Your Responsibilities: Owning property with trees means you’re responsible for their maintenance and any damage they may cause. Regular assessments and care are vital.
- Engage With the Community: If your new home is part of a community with shared green spaces or street trees, engage with your neighbors or a homeowners’ association to understand collective responsibilities and efforts towards tree care.
Owning a home surrounded by trees in Portland offers the chance to live in harmony with nature, contributing to the city’s lush, green character. By following local regulations, engaging in responsible tree care, and planning for the future, you can enjoy the benefits of your wooded property while contributing positively to the urban canopy and community well-being.
Call this number to report – Call Urban Forestry at 503-823-TREE (8733)
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